Off the Cuff: Job Search Tips

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Job Search Tip

Jessica Morris shares job search tips in this new series on SSI for people actively working, seeking jobs, or if you know your job is coming to an end.

Job Search Tip #1: Apply, Apply, Apply 

People are always apprehensive to apply, resulting in organizations losing potential assets and people missing out on opportunities. Therefore, if you are actively or passively looking for jobs on the market—this tip is essential.

  • If you already have a job and do not see yourself getting a new one at the moment, you should still think about what your next step might be. There is nothing wrong with looking at companies you are interested in and if anything, it is encouraged. If you are interested in jobs that align with your career path but you are not quite there yet in your profession—do not worry. Keep an eye out for these companies by writing down skills that you might need to be able to apply in the future.

Even if you are still in college or graduating, keep in mind what companies you are interested may want from you. What are their methodologies? How can you get exposure to that?

  • This might not translate into an internship at that company, but it means exposing yourself to the skills and methodologies that future employers want to see.

Job Search Tip #2: Have a Direct Fit Resume 

When you finally get to that step of applying, make sure you know what’s ahead of you. Know the general skills that the job is looking for and study the job description listed. Once you do that, you are ready to make sure your resume is a direct fit for the job.

  • You will bring those preferred qualities and skills to the top of your resume. This strategy is vital because in reality, your resume doesn’t really ever reach the hiring manager first. Whether you are working with a staffing agency or not, there is always a middle man. Therefore, highlighting this information at the top will help you stand out to a hiring manager.

Job Search Tip #3: Have a Flex Resume 

You should not complete your resume upon graduation date with a couple of bullet points and then send it off to jobs. You should always have a flex resume. Your resume should be a living and breathing document that you edit according to the job you want.

  • Focus on keywords that each job is looking for. Adjust your resume to complement them by highlighting what is best aligned with your skillset.
  • Always be true to yourself. Only include those skills and tools that you obtain that match with the company that you are seeking.

Job Search Tip #4: Don’t Forget About LinkedIn

Let us get into the Do’s and Don’ts on your LinkedIn account and why it is important. First, recruiters and hiring managers utilize LinkedIn to search for candidates themselves. It expands your network, puts a face to your name, and makes it easier to get recruited.


  • Highlight your profile by putting icons stating you are open to work.
  • Connect with companies you potentially would want to join.
  • Watch the company’s news and read about it. Because if you get an interview, it is impressive when a candidate can speak about current events in the company.
  • Join user groups that you best associate with because jobs get posted there.


  • Randomly connect to 500 people a day.
  • Connecting to connect. Making an unmeaningful network with random people and companies.


Don’t Forget

The more jobs you apply for, the better the odds. Get your name in with a recruiting firm. Get yourself out there. Have both a direct fit and flex resume. Lastly, think about what you want for your future and contemplate what you need to get there. 


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