A Student’s Perspective: Company Culture – Is this the new non-negotiable?

Company Culture - planting a garden
Community outreach part of company culture - planting a garden

(by Delaney Brassard)

As I enter new internships and start my career search, I realize my first question post-interview may always be: “How would you describe your company culture?” Company culture has become the new non-negotiable for young adults. And it holds different significance for everyone. Evaluating your own personal values helps translate into qualities you want to align with your company’s culture. The qualities may range from work/life balance and office dynamics and relationships to positions on society’s most pressing issues and concern for the community-at-large. Preferences may be based on values, personality, learning type, and more. Although everyone has different idealistic company culture attributes, the non-negotiable qualities act as a valuable job search tool.

My non-negotiable for what I want in company culture is community outreach efforts. It is my personal belief that companies should be more than business. I want to feel proud of my company and the values they uphold. Community service is so much more than a dollar amount donated to various causes; it is the time and effort to improve the areas where these offices reside. Finding my non-negotiable has narrowed my job search and created stimulating conversations during my interviews.

Company culture applies to the employer, too. The environment they create and nurture welcomes people that share similar wants and needs. These may be minor nuances of work dynamics such as a team or individualistic work standard or encouraging risk-taking versus the safe route in decision making. People thrive in different environments; creating a group of individuals that thrive in your environment will improve work relations and quality. Create a culture that reflects the most productive environment for the profession and professionals in your line of work.

A job is work, but it doesn’t need to feel that way. Company culture is instrumental, not only for success but for overall happiness from employer to employee. A company culture that aligns with your needs and wants allows you to stay happy longer. In tangent, an employer who builds their own company culture based on their preferences then creates an environment that welcomes like-minded people within a given industry. Everyone has their place in the realm of company culture; it’s just a matter of finding yours.

At SSi, we have built strong relationships with both the organizations we serve and the candidates we recommend, understanding what is most important to each to have a productive yet fulfilling working environment. Contact us today to find opportunities that align with what you are looking for in a career.

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