Tips for Staying Away From Negativity in the Office

Work can get tough. It gets stressful and frustrating and monotonous. And no matter what, people complain. And if not controlled, the complaints spread like wildfire. Negativity in the workplace is contagious and it can drag you down, distract you from your real mission and crush your productivity. Here are some tips for staying away from negativity in the workplace.

Monitor the atmosphere

Just keep tabs on what’s going on around you. It’s easy to get sucked into drama and negativity if you don’t even realize it’s happening. But if you can sense that it’s coming, you can be proactive in building a force field around yourself. In fact, when things get hairy, a manager will probably value someone who can adjust their attitude and be a cheerleader for the office.

Maintain positivity

When you sense the negativity starting to seep in, acknowledge it and consider its source. You might even discover that you’re the source—you got so frustrated with a recent project or interaction with another coworker, that you started to get down and you started to complain. It happens. So take charge of the situations, surround yourself with positive vibes, and let the negativity bounce off you. If you let it consume you or get sucked into the wheel of complaining, you won’t be able to focus on your work. Do your best to brighten someone’s day, focus on random acts of kindness, and change your outlook to positive.

Focus on the big picture

Whether it’s you that’s the source of the negativity or a coworker, you can mentally refocus by concentrating on your company’s mission and long-term goals. Remember why you came to work there in the first place and what inspires you about your work. Hopefully, this makes the initial problem seem trivial and insignificant, something that’s easily surmountable in light of the big picture.

Be accepting

Be loving, kind, and patient to your coworkers who need it. Stay as focused as possible on your work, but if someone comes to you to vent or be heard, listen neutrally and compassionately. There’s no need to judge or condemn. When they’re finished complaining, gossiping, or attacking excuse yourself gracefully and stay focused on your work. If it helps you sympathize, imagine walking a mile in their shoes. Maybe they have a personal issue or hardship that’s coloring their professional complaint and making it seem worse than it is.

For more tips on handling troubles at work or finding the job that’s suited for you, contact our team today.

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