How To Tell If Your Employees are Getting Burned Out

Keeping up the spirit of your workers ought to be one of your top priorities. If a company’s most precious asset is its staff, then anything that affects them negatively can hurt the overall success of this company.

To be fair, hectic schedules, mountains of work and pressures coming from all directions can make it challenging for management to identify employee burnout. Furthermore, indications of worker burnout are not always in plain sight: They’re not always unmistakable expressions of stress and frustration.

To be able to reduce the impact of the daily grind, you have to be capable of spotting the subtle signs first. Below are a few indications your employees are feeling burned out.

Reduced productivity and quality

When some managers begin to notice a decline in the amount projects completed or a boost in customer complaints and missed deadlines, they might assume workers are getting lazy and just need a proverbial crack of the whip.

However, if you trust you have hired good people, the issue might not be them. If your reliable, consistent workers suddenly become unreliable, there’s a chance the drop in productivity is due to burnout.

Greater absenteeism

Given that staff members who are near burnout go through some kind of mental, emotional or physical warning signs, their odds of taking a sick day and being absent more often goes up. Some employees may struggle to get out of bed, experiencing persistent stress and anxiety. Others may just be totally disinterested in their work or having to handle co-workers or supervisors.

More accidents

As a result of their lack of awareness and focus burned out workers may start having more accidents due to the errors they make. This can be particularly concerning if they employees work with heavy machinery or when the safety of others is in their hands.

When a worker is dealing with burnout, their attention is largely aimed, even fixated, on their issues and what they see as a threat to their livelihood. This focus can leave little room for thinking about safety.

It’s this aspect of burnout that employers should be particularly worried about.

More cynicism and complaints

Everybody has bad days at work, and the sporadic complaint is typical, even expected. However, it’s a bad sign when you hear a normally upbeat worker mumbling under their breath in frustration.

If you are continuously hearing negativity from someone who should be content or even a source of encouragement for the team, they are most likely feeling the impact of burnout.

Distant workers

While some workers respond to burnout by turning up the volume on their complaints, others completely tune out. If employees who normally joke around suddenly become invisible, it’s a sign they might be burned out.

At SSi People , we help employers prevent burnout through custom, targeted talent acquisition solutions. If you are looking to give your staffing levels a boost, please contact us today.

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