Top programming languages for mobile development

It’s unavoidable: mobile development is rapidly  becoming one of the most sought after skills for programmers. Applications have moved from the desktop to the cloud, and many programmers are now finding that the skill set is moving similarly. But that doesn’t mean that programmers are finding their skill sets entirely obsolete, nor does it mean that all programming languages are equal. There are certain technologies that employers are looking for now more than ever.

1. C++

You can’t go wrong with the classics. C++ is still one of the most popular programming languages for two reasons: it has high utility (is easy to use) and also it’s very popular. Popularity cannot be dismissed: a popular programming language is one with a lot of support available, both in terms of community and sample projects. Though C++ may  not be the newest entry into the C system, it still remains one of the most popular. On the other hand…

2. C#

C# is making major inroads and is unique enough a development system that it can be seen as entirely separate from C++. C# is particularly popular in game development and is a faster, easier way to develop applications. C# has been specifically designed for the modern era of rapid design.

3. Swift

If you already know C, you probably want to try your hand at Swift. Though Apple’s market share may be decreasing today, Apple still owns the largest single IP for mobile devices: the iPhone. Swift is Apple’s answer to ease of programming, developed to make it easier to rapidly prototype applications on iOS devices.

It always comes down to Java. A Java developer is always going to have a job, whether in mobile development or native desktop applications. Java has long been known as one of the best cross platform languages, and it’s easy to see why; over the decades the language has developed into something concise, complex, and creative. Java is an excellent first language for most programmers, as it is versatile, well-known, and often looked for by employers.

5. HTML 5

While not strictly a programming language, HTML 5 is still a necessity for most programmers. HTML 5 is a markup language that is commonly used as a way to “wrap” applications for distribution on a native platform. For web developers, HTML 5 creates a standard that developers can use to develop optimized, future-proofed applications. Essentially, HTML 5 creates a bridge between the web and native application standards, making it easier for pure web developers to bring their products to mobile devices.

Programmers who are interested in branching out into mobile development will find that the above programming languages will make it far easier for them to acquire a position. As always, programming languages are a tool: most successful programmers will find themselves switching between a few popular languages throughout their career. In the mean time, programmers can find the best jobs by looking at the job listings at Software Specialists.

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