What 2017 Brings for a Java Developer

Java development has seen many twists and turns throughout the past twenty years. As one of the oldest and most popular programming languages, Java has had to adapt to an ever-changing environment. So, too, have Java developers. But though there are many new languages and use cases arising, Java still remains one of the dominant programming skills. Here’s what developers can expect in 2017.

More Data Management and Data Science

Data is becoming intrusive to all skill sets. Data management is incredibly important to all developers, and Java developers in particular will need to learn the new strategies for managing their data pipelines through Java. The JVM platform has been developed out and expanded to include a variety of data ecosystems, all of which have their own benefits and drawbacks depending on the type of programmer that you are. The most important thing is to become familiar with the modern methods of compiling, analyzing, and accessing data.

Web Apps Continue to Grow in Popularity

Everything is moving to the web. Cloud-based applications and services are most definitely achieving primacy, which means Java developers need to be more aware of web environments than ever. Many Java developers are now expanding into full stack development to take advantage of this shift; Java developers who are also aware of front-end development and design are going to be extremely in demand. In addition to web apps, mobile development remains incredibly important.

Other Languages Gain Footholds

It wasn’t so long ago when Java and C held supremacy over virtually all other language suites. But new languages are popping up all the time, including languages for specific platforms such as Go. While Java remains quite possibly the most popular all-around language for development, it’s still losing some traction. Java developers may want to branch out; though they shouldn’t abandon their Java roots, they may want to specialize in one or two of the new languages being developed as well. Each language also goes along with a specialization. There are languages specific to mobile and there are languages specific to data science.

Learning the UX Becomes Important

Not just designers, but developers are now focusing on overall user experience and user stories. Listening to the user is the best way to develop products that are not only efficient and effective but also popular. User experience and fundamentals of design classes can be worthwhile to even very experienced Java developers. Historically, most Java developers have worked primarily on the back-end, but this can create very well-optimized software that is nevertheless too difficult or obscure to use.

Being a developer is all about growing and adapting as a professional. Whether you’re just starting out and looking to gain a foothold, or you’re trying to advance your professional career, you need to be open to learning new things. For Java developers looking for a new challenge, Software Specialists  offers a complete selection of job listings.

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