Software Skills to Secure that Interview

A modern resume has to display a wide array of software skills in order to even secure an interview. But the applicable software skills change from year to year. The best software skills for employees in 2016 will show that they are knowledgeable and savvy of current technology in addition to industry standards.

Operating Systems

Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 are currently in widespread use. Linux is used by a fairly small portion of the population, but it’s a good skill to list for any technical position. Knowledge of Windows XP can be beneficial for organizations with older systems, but it’s no longer an industry standard. For those who work in development, a familiarity with mobile operating systems may also be necessary. Android and iOS are the two industry leaders in this area.

Software Suites

Microsoft Office remains the most popular software suite. If there is one software suite on your resume, it should likely be this. Microsoft Office includes Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Most office employees should be knowledgeable about Microsoft Office in addition to any software suites that pertain specifically to their industry.

Cloud Technology

Cloud technology is being increasingly used throughout many industries, so familiarity with it is important even for positions that aren’t technologically focused. Office 365, Dropbox, and other popular cloud technologies can be referenced as valuable skills. There are also specific cloud-based applications such as Salesforce. Experience with a cloud platform will usually translate to some familiarity with other cloud platforms, so it’s an important skill to have.

Basic Skills

Research skills, typing speed, and 10-key speed are all basic skills that should be featured on a resume. Simply being able to find information on the Internet and confirm facts (fact checking) can be very valuable to many organizations. Typing speed and 10-key speed can both be important for everyone from office managers to programmers. When working through an employment firm or similar, you will often be tested on your typing speed and related measurable skills.

Advanced Skills

For more advanced workers, certifications fall under the advanced skill set that will get them an interview. If you have Microsoft, Cisco, or CompTIA certifications, make sure to feature them prominently on your resume. Many jobs even have these types of certifications as requirements. In particular, government positions tend to require CompTIA certified employees.

It isn’t just about raw skills. Prospective employees also need to be able to show that they are motivated, driven, and able to self-start. But these are all aspects of your personality that are difficult to show without getting your foot in the door. When listed on a resume, the above skills are critical for many modern jobs today. If you’re currently looking for your next opportunity in the field of technology, consult the job listings at the Software Specialists today.

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